Awakening & Deepening:

bringing forth the best within ourselves to meet our historic challenges, 2021

One of our greatest challenges at this time in history is to come together in community
to evolve ourselves and create the highest good for all life:
a more vibrant, healthy, and inclusive future for all beings.

Humanity is at a crossroads: we are destroying the habitat that gives us sustenance and supports all life. We are facing an accelerating climate catastrophe that threatens our future. Researchers and scientists have pointed out that if we continue on this path, collapse of civilization is the likely outcome.

But we also have a great opportunity … for something so big that it is daunting … even overwhelming to consider … we have the possibility of a “civilization re-boot”.
As climate activist and educator Paul Gilding said in his book, The Great Disruption:

“Getting through to the good side of this crisis is going to
require us all to engage …
This crisis presents what may be a ‘once in a civilization’ opportunity
for a step change in human evolution,
but one driven consciously rather than biologically.

Many spiritual teachers have noted that as a species we are at an adolescent stage of development. Our task is to grow up … and to grow up fast!

What consciousness do we need to bring about a new way of being so we create a world that works for all? How do we look with new eyes and see beauty around us and recognize that All Life is sacred?

What personal skills do we need to bring forth the best within ourselves? How can we respond so that we are grounded, compassionate and resilient? And could we serve as a balanced and stable presence for others?

Come explore these important questions with us!
Join Betsey and a group of kindred spirits for a course focused on developing
the spiritual, mental, and emotional awareness we need
to meet the challenges of this tumultuous time, and
participate in The Great Turning, a total transformation of civilization!


“The Lojong slogans had been familiar to me through Pema Chodron’s work, for a long time, so I was drawn inexorably to Betsey’s book group, with a Zen perspective, having experienced Betsey’s rich teachings in the Oasis Cafe climate collapse gathering. Such a gift, this was, and as much as the study of the slogans, was Betsey’s wise, deep teachings…from her own rich experience in yoga, in so many deep spaces… ..grateful beyond words for it all.”

Jean Chapman, Retired Community Pediatrician

This course is for women who know they are here for a purpose and sense that their contributions are vital to the survival of the whole. We will focus on awakening to the times we’re living in, particularly our climate emergency, and related predicaments. We will deepen our wisdom through meditation practices, reading and study, discussion, and sharing. You will be invited to discover your unique contribution to our evolving wisdom.

In this course you will:

  • Connect with your Spiritual Essence and practice living sacred values
  • Learn the fundamental drivers of the climate crisis and a range of responses
  • Develop skills to calm and soothe your mind and relax your body
  • Shift from judgmental mind into compassionate heart
  • Learn how to manage feelings of uncertainty, fear, and grief
  • Learn skills of compassionate communication
  • Develop practices, insights, and ‘framing’ that empower you and create resilience that you’ll have for the rest of your life.

“Betsey is so grounded and clear in her teaching. The online Training in Compassion book club was very well organized with a clear structure each week, but there was also plenty of time for the participants to share and connect. This created a true sense of community that gave us all the support we needed to go deeper on our own personal journey.”

Wendy Andersen, JD and eRYT 500 Yoga Instrutor


Course information:

To receive the most benefit from the course, a commitment is highly recommended:

  • Minimum study time of 1-1.5 hrs/per week; in the book for the course and additional readings that will be posted.
  • Regular meditation practice; it’s fine if you are a novice, never tried meditation before, or an experienced practitioner; full instructions will be given

Participants will need to purchase this book for the course:

  • Say What You Mean, a mindful approach to nonviolent communication, by Oren Jay Sofer. We will read selected sections, particularly during the last half of the course.

Course meeting dates:

Thursday, September 23 – December 16.
The course began Sept. 23, and is now closed.  This course or a similar one will be offered again in 2023. 

  • Meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 2:00-3:30pm, ET.
  • Sessions will be recorded and are available for those registered.

Format for each session:

  • Presentation, meditation, small group discussions, general discussion and/or Q&A.
  • We’ll start with a centering and end with a closing.


$125 for the 7-session course. The course began Sept. 23, 2021 and participants were accepted through Tuesday, October 5.
This course is now closed, but this course or a similar one will be offered in 2023.
Refund Policy: refunds are given, minus a $20 processing fee, until the course begins. No refunds given after that.

The Course is limited to 25 participants, and 3 scholarships are available.  If you are unable to afford the course at the present time, please click here for scholarship information.

Free Introduction:

The free INTRO was held Thursday, September 16, 2021.
2:00-3:30pm ET

View video of the INTRO session.


“I especially loved the conversations with folks from all over the world. It’s great to see how universal these topics are and so encouraging to know how strong the connections are between kindred souls.”


Mo Gillum, Retired Registered Nurse and Yoga Teacher