
Also see the list under Climate/Environment

Spontaneous Evolution by Bruce Lipton
  • Newest information on epigenetic research
The Field, the Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe by Lynne McTaggart
  • “Crucial book for anyone wanting to understand cutting-edge research into consciousness and energy.”
Super Brain; Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul; Spiritual Solutions: Answers to Life’s Greatest Challenges plus many other books by Deepak Chopra
  • Latest scientific research with a spiritual perspective
Bombshell by Suzanne Somers, plus all her other books;
  • Very well researched; interviews with cutting-edge medical doctors & researchers
Dr. Mercola’s website: www.mercola.com;
  • Alternative medical information by an M.D.
Wake Up World
War on Health – Documentary by Gary Null revealing the workings of the FDA
Hungry for Change website: Your health is in your hands
Life Extension Foundation
  • www.LEF.org
  • Current research on health; can purchase supplements they have researched
The Ultimate Wellness Center
Dr. Mark Hyman, Healthy Living Store